Svangården’s preschool is in an area close to nature, in a strong socio-economic area about 5km outside Gävle city. The preschool is part of a preschool area of 13 municipal preschools that collaborate in different forums. The area has one principal and four deputy principals. At each individual preschool, there is also one or two development leaders.
At Svangården there are 80 children, divided into four departments. Two department with children who are 1-3 years (17 children) and two departments with children between 3-6 years (23 children). About 13 employees. Opening hours 6:30 am-5:30 pm. The children’s stay is based on parents working hours or study time.
Each school year, all preschools in the area get three common priority areas based on; “Ethos and values”, “Development and learning” and “Children’s participation and influence”. Svangården preschool then chooses curriculum gaols from the national curriculum for preschool (LPFÖ18) as an overall theme (priority areas). The theme also includes all prioritized areas, as well many other goals from the preschool curriculum. The children´s ideas, experiences and interests are captured and used (involves) within the theme. In this way, the children get opportunities to be involved and have influence, learn, and develop in a meaningful context. Our close access to nature makes it easy to include activity in the nature in all themes. The nature is involved in regular activities at our preschool.
We reflect, follow up and plan our activities, teaching and activities based on the curriculum and the priority areas of our operational plan. We document at group level (e.g. what the children have been offered for activities and teaching) and individual level.
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