Project results

The result for the project can be find in these boxes below.

You can find useful manuals, reflective handbook and framework for preschools, professionals, and students to use.

The deeper result of the project is described in the case study.

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Project lessons and manuals aimed to provide a framework with knowledge and understanding of each country’s educational system: Types of ECEC and facilities, Curriculum content and structure, Legislation including welfare requirements, Qualifications, Roles and responsibilities, Inclusive practice, Monitoring and assessment and Partnership with parents. Can be used by other Early Years Educators to gain knowledge of educational systems.

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The manuals aimed to support EYE to present work in their preschool based on the ECEC ethos and values. This includes a professional approach to children, colleagues, and parents (caregivers) and the assignments and goals prescribed for the pre-schools apply to all children regardless of age, gender, ethnic, cultural, and linguistic background. Early Years Educators can use the material to develop key ideas, describe their own preschool, work with focus groups and reflections.

Ethos and values

The manual and the reflective handbook aim to develop Early Years Educators’ (EYE) understanding and skills of reflection to increase depth to their reflective thinking and professional practice. Early Years Educators can use the project tools to reflect on similarities and differences, key ideas, educational systems, curriculum, and teaching methods. The tools support Early Years Educator’s​ to develop reflective thinking and pedagogical awareness and professional development.


The framework aimed to support Early Years Educators knowledge and understanding in international perspectives as key aspects in environment, curriculum, and pedagogical approach. To develop understanding of the purpose and value of job shadowing and skills of reflection to deepen reflective thinking and professional development/practice. Early Years Educators can use the framework to develop key ideas and how to work with focus groups and reflections.

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The case study aimed to explore the impact that the ETEIP project has had upon the Early Years Educators in relation to their practice, knowledge and understanding about teaching and children’s perspectives and ethos and values in teaching. Early Years Educators can learn from the Case Study Impact Report and the ETEIP website to get support and participate in the ECEC debate about education and teaching in early years.

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The developed framework in the ETEIP project is presented in the dissemination report with manuals for preschools. Results has been presented in local and international multiplier event in the four countries. Presentations of the result at the EECERA conference in Glasgow 2022 and in international networks 2022.

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